Pride Month Will Be Different In 2020 – And That’s Okay

Introduction Due to the combined impact of COVID-19 social distancing guidelines and unrest over recent police brutality, 2020 Pride Month celebrations will be different than those in recent years. Parades and large gatherings are not feasible, and many feel that this is not a time for celebration. Although this is understandably disappointing to many, it […]

The Impact of COVID-19 on Native Americans

Introduction COVID-19 has been disastrous for people throughout the world. Globally, there have been about 6.4 million confirmed cases, with nearly 2 million of those occurring within the United States. Over 100,000 Americans have died from this disease. Certain communities have been hit harder than others: Black and indigenous citizens face the highest rates of […]

Anti-Obesity Campaigns Do More Harm Than Good

Introduction Anti-obesity campaigns have become increasingly prevalent; although they seem to be well-meaning in their promotion of healthy lifestyles, their fear-mongering and inaccurate information do more harm than good. The war on obesity has resulted not in a happy, fit, and thin nation, but rather in an appearance-obsessed society with few health benefits to show […]

Police Brutality Is Not a New Issue, But It Needs New Solutions

Across Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, several videos have spread of a violent interaction between a California sheriff’s deputy and Elijah Tufono, an African American 14-year-old. The sheriff’s deputy can be seen holding down and repeatedly punching Tufono, causing many accusations of police brutality. Incidents of police brutality against African Americans are commonplace now, and sadly […]