Technology the Only Way to Solve California’s Drought?

In the past 6 months, California has experienced a severe drought. One so severe it is looking to surpass any precedent levels.  As of April 8th, not one part of California was not in a drought. Most people don’t really imagine our country having a drought. They see it as something old such as the […]

The Keystone XL Oil Pipeline: Can we really afford another spill?

It is only April, and so far there have already been three oil spills in the US. In 2013 there were six oil spills in the US and those were just the major ones. Every day, oil is spilled into our environment through retrieving and transporting processes. We live in an era where the world […]

Tear Down This Wall: The “Great Firewall”

Great FIreWall

If you go into the average American household, one of the first things that you will see is a computer or some form of technology that can access the Internet such as a phone or tablet. While some people still do not have this technology due to financial differences, the majority do. Every day, people […]