Cannabis Criminalization Has Led to Further Racial Inequity

The past few weeks have brought on a resurgence of social justice activism. Mostly stemming from the Black Lives Matter movement, people have come together online and in-person alike, to protest the racial injustices of today’s society. While many factors unfortunately contribute to racial inequity, one of the more controversial ones is the criminalization of […]
Applying Prison Abolition Principles To Address Inequities

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic highlights the inequities impacting marginalized communities where minorities are dying and infected at higher rates than other groups. From overcrowding in prisons to more exposure, minority communities are more vulnerable to COVID-19. At times like this, it is important to address root issues like poverty and healthcare. Failed COVID-19 Response In […]
Live Blog: Minimum Wage Developments

As the entire nation is being swept up in a storm over the national minimum wage, certain states and other jurisdictions are taking their own steps to combat income inequality and poverty. [Image Attribute: Denis Bocquet via Compfight cc]