Social Media’s Negative Effects on Young People

Introduction Nowadays, it is easy for everyone to access anything and be aware of what is going on in the world and keep updated about the news. People use social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, etc. for many reasons, such as for business reasons, motivational platforms, or just for fun, but some people do […]
The Effects Of Social Media On Teens’ Mental Health

Introduction 20 years ago, it definitely wasn’t normal to see a teen carrying a smartphone around seemingly 24/7, constantly checking their various social media accounts. Nowadays, social media seems to be an important part of the average teenager’s life. Thousands of teens are currently involved in popular platforms such as Snapchat, Instagram, and TikTok. The […]
The Importance Of Mental Health In Relation To Education During A Pandemic

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has been going for about seven months now, and American schools are reopening for a new school year. Since the coronavirus hit America, everyone went into a state of quarantine. People were isolated from each other, which had significant mental impacts; stress and anxiety were increased. Restrictions were attempted to be lifted […]
The Dangers of Tik Tok’s Glorification of Unhealthy Eating Habits

TikTok’s popularity has skyrocketed in the past 6 months, as people all over the world are using the app to creatively express themselves and connect with others. However, there is a lot of content on the app that promotes unhealthy relationships with food that can trigger someone who has suffered or is suffering with an […]
The Negative Mental Effects of COVID-19

The Hidden Pandemic Within COVID-19 The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the world, and resulted in a tremendous shift in almost everyone’s life. Due to safety precautions, non-essential businesses had to close, and schools moved to remote learning. Because of these closures, many people either began working/learning from home, or were let go from their jobs. […]
Mental Health Education in K-12 Schooling is an Essential Service

Since the turn of the twentieth century, there has been an especially forceful push for awareness, preservation, and public education regarding mental health. The first two decades have produced results, but the job is not yet nearly complete. Stigma and lack of access to resources are still abundant in society –– even within the United […]
Social Media’s Relentless Attack on Adolescent Wellbeing

The relevance of social media in 2020 is evident. Amid lockdowns, when many workplaces, schools, and other public spaces shut down, we resorted to social media to connect with our peers, coworkers, and friends. Furthermore, social media platforms were employed to spread awareness about pertinent causes, such as the Black Lives Matter movement and calls […]
The Negative Repercussions of Quarantine on Teens’ Mental Health

As COVID19 continues to infect thousands of people around the world, many states have initiated procedures of quarantine or social isolation to decelerate the spread of the virus. These safety precautions prevent experiences of socialization, which are essential components of a teenager’s development. This quarantined isolation has detrimentally impacted the mental health of teenagers all […]
What Mental Health Needs To Look Like After The Pandemic

Introduction As the COVID-19 pandemic that caused a nationwide quarantine beginning mid-March continues to progress, numbers of affected individuals in certain areas of the United States have begun to decrease. With this comes the lifting of restrictions, whether it be allowing outdoor restaurant dining or the opening of personal care businesses. As the pandemic led […]
A Hidden Pandemic: The Effects Of COVID-19 On Mental Health

When the novel coronavirus finally reached the United States, it was not long before stores, restaurants, and schools were closing, while everyone who could afford it was raiding grocery stores and pharmacies to buy toilet paper and cleaning supplies in excess. Meanwhile, the new virus was spreading fast, causing hospitals to overflow with sick patients. […]