Congress Needs to Extend the Federal Unemployment Relief Plan

The Original Plan In order to manage the spike in unemployment due to COVID-19, the federal government granted an additional $600 per week to unemployed Americans. This $600 is in addition to a usually meager weekly amount provided by state unemployment services. Over the last few months, this additional money has been incredibly helpful to […]
The Senate Needs to Pass “The Heroes Act” to Protect Essential Workers

Essential workers: the ones who provide health care and check out customers in grocery stores. The ones who serve as janitors, firefighters, and postal workers. The ones who, of recently, have been quarreled with, shot, and killed for urging civilians to follow safety regulations. In the US, the danger essential workers face from Covid-19 has […]
The Minimum Wage: A Maximum Sentence

The untouchable job, working at a fast food chain or a supermarket, is “below” people. This sense of superiority is rooted in the inability of a minimum wage job to provide adequate living standards for employees. In some instances, the unemployed may not find work for an entire year. According to some, this lack of […]