Police Brutality Is Not a New Issue, But It Needs New Solutions

Across Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, several videos have spread of a violent interaction between a California sheriff’s deputy and Elijah Tufono, an African American 14-year-old. The sheriff’s deputy can be seen holding down and repeatedly punching Tufono, causing many accusations of police brutality. Incidents of police brutality against African Americans are commonplace now, and sadly […]
Anti-Muslim PEGIDA Protests: An Artifact of Germany’s Past

Since October, there have been weekly marches by a group called Patriotic Europeans against the Islamisation of the Occident, also known as PEGIDA, increasing racism against Muslim citizens seeking asylum in Germany. Since the recent Charlie Hebdo massacre, the marches have gotten stronger in number, making the problem much more obvious. The major problem is […]
No, Disabled People are Not Your Daily Dose of Inspiration
Stella Young tells us why everything we’ve been taught by society about disabled people is wrong! We particularly love her justification for calling it “inspiration porn.”