Racism In American Immigration Policy

What Happened This Week It seems that all there was to hear this week was the wailing of terrified children on the southern border. Due to the Trump Administration’s ‘zero-tolerance’ border policy set back in April, border control began separating illegal immigrant children under the age of twelve from their parents to persecute adults without children […]
Robbing The Cradle: The Issues With The Current U.S. Immigration Policy

It seems children are always afraid of being taken away from their parents. We see this theme played out many times in stories aimed at kids, such as Hansel and Gretel. Perhaps because the thought of losing their loving caretaker is the most horrific thought in a child’s mind, creators use it to showcase danger […]
Is It Right To Compare Refugee Internment At The U.S. Border To The Holocaust?

“As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.” So goes the famous Godwin’s Law, an oft-cited adage written by American author Mike Godwin. It is easy to see where Godwin was coming from. From both sides of the political spectrum, “Nazi” is thrown around like confetti […]
Anti-Muslim PEGIDA Protests: An Artifact of Germany’s Past

Since October, there have been weekly marches by a group called Patriotic Europeans against the Islamisation of the Occident, also known as PEGIDA, increasing racism against Muslim citizens seeking asylum in Germany. Since the recent Charlie Hebdo massacre, the marches have gotten stronger in number, making the problem much more obvious. The major problem is […]
Vote: Is Obama’s Executive Order on Immigration an excessive use of executive power?

[poll id=”2″] [Image Attribute: Barack Obama cc]