Pandemic Is An Opportunity To Reconstruct Outdated Academic Systems

Introduction In modern American society, there is a consensus on the school system being flawed, especially in students’ opinions. From core curriculum becoming a political issue to complaints about academics focusing on impractical subjects, a negative perspective on the education system is not recent news. However, as the pandemic continues to hinder the possibility of […]
Standardized Testing Among U.S. Students: Is It Really Effective?

Introduction For years, standardized testing has been a preferred method among our education system to measure and compare student knowledge. Whether it be for college admission purposes or the determination of a student passing their grade, standardized testing indeed plays a prominent role in a student’s school career. However, are these tests really effective? Are […]
Teaching To Test: Standardized Testing Is Hurting Children’s Education

We have often been told about how the public education system in America is failing. Government officials claim we have fallen behind other countries, mainly China, and that we need to establish special reforms, such as an increase in standardized testing to fix the problem. However, according to educators and education scientists, such reforms as […]