New Changes To Title IX Protect Those Accused Of Sexual Harassment

Title IX Title IX states, “no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” Essentially, it prevents sexual discrimination at any educational institution receiving Federal financial assistance— […]
Harvard Economics Professor Suspended After Several Sexual Harassment Claims

Introduction Humanitarian consideration and appropriate usage of authority are two very important things that are overlooked in today’s world. Recently a case regarding this has been trending: Roland Fryer, an outstanding economy teacher, has been put on unpaid leave after multiple sexual harassment claims. This punishment is warranted for his totally unjust and complete misuse […]
Three Connecticut Athletes Challenge The Transgender Athlete Rule- I Agree

The Situation This June, three female track runners from Connecticut decided to voice their concerns about the transgender athlete policy. The policy allowed transgender athletes to participate on the team they identified as. The three girls filed a federal complaint because they believed the policy violated Title IX which allows everyone to have equal opportunities regardless of sex. This […]