Putting an End to the Selling of Vietnamese Girls

The Harsh Reality We Face From the moment we were born to now, our innocent minds have been exposed to many events. Our experience expands from simply learning how to walk to learning how to write essays. As we are continuing to grow up, we notice those differing from us and actions that are questionable, […]
The Impact of Trump’s “Gag Rule” is Anything but “Pro-Life”

The Facts Back in May, the Trump administration issued a proposal to the Department of Health and Human Services that would restrict the ability of health care professionals, working in institutions receiving federal dollars, from counseling women considering abortion procedures. The president’s actions come as no surprise given that restricting women’s access to safe, legal abortions […]
South Sudan on the Brink of a Disastrous Famine and Devastating Genocide

The youngest country in the world is on the verge of experiencing a deadly famine that could devastate as much as one-third of its population if not dealt with. The country, South Sudan, is trying to avoid what experts are saying could be the most devastating famine in the last 30 years. The last several months have not […]
The Evolving F Word

“Cotton Mather called them ‘the hidden ones.’ They never preached or sat in a deacon’s bench. Nor did they vote or attend Harvard. Neither, because they were virtuous women, did they question God or the magistrates…Hoping for an eternal crown, they never asked to be remembered on Earth. And they haven’t been. Well-behaved women seldom […]