Balloon and Pieces: Marking 25 Years Since the Berlin Wall

On November 9th, Germany marked the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall by releasing thousands of helium balloons over their capital with notes attached. Around the world people are celebrating with shared memories of the fall of this iconic barrier that enclosed West Berlin from 1961 to 1989 during the Cold War. […]

Children Crossing the Border: Alone and Illegally

For the past few years, thousands of illegal immigrants from Central America and Mexico have been crossing the United States’ border at an increasing rate and taking any means to cross it (hitching rides on trains, swimming cross the Rio Grande, walking through deserts for days). Though, sadly, these “typical” statements do not fully demonstrate the […]

The Conflict Between Vietnam and China: The Incessant Battle Over Islands

During these past months, the relationship between China and Vietnam is crumpling, as the once linked forces are battling over their national boundaries. Resulting from this, Vietnam has seen a large escalating number of anti-Chinese riots, who are attacking the Chinese and even Taiwanese businesses on Vietnamese ground. Chinese businesses are leaving in large numbers, creating […]

2014 South African Election: a Race Against the Past

On May 7, South Africa held their national election. This profound election was marked as the 20-year anniversary when the apartheid, South Africa’s legal racial separation law, ended and the non-white majority obtainable voting rights. Not surprising was the outcome of the election with a clear victory for the African National Congress (ANC) which has a […]