Congress Must Work To Prevent The Imminent Eviction Crisis

The Homeless Are More Vulnerable To COVID-19 In the midst of this pandemic, one group is particularly vulnerable to COVID-19: America’s homeless population. Those without a shelter or roof over their head are at increased risk of contracting and spreading the coronavirus; stay-at-home orders are, quite clearly, unhelpful to those who are homeless. Right now, […]
Down But Not Out: Severing Congressional Perks, Allowances and Exceptions

Unfair Financial Protection of Congress It is no surprise that the effects of the government shutdown are hurting the American people. What could be considered as salt on the wound is the fact that the members of Congress elected by their American constituents are going on about their financial lives as if the government shutdown […]
Why Diversity is Necessary for Democracy

New Members of Congress On January 3rd, 2019, the newest members of the House and Senate were sworn in. This incoming class is reported to be the most diverse in history- in both race and gender. 40 of the politicians are women, and 60 are men, which is the smallest gender disparity in American history. […]