Social Media’s Negative Effects on Young People

Introduction Nowadays, it is easy for everyone to access anything and be aware of what is going on in the world and keep updated about the news. People use social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, etc. for many reasons, such as for business reasons, motivational platforms, or just for fun, but some people do […]
The Military’s Approach to Sexual Assault: A Call For Change

The Untold Story of Military Sexual Assault The military aims to protect and serve, yet the rampant and mishandled cases of sexual assault within its ranks stands at odds with this message. As the story of Vanessa Guillen, a promising young servicewoman who was murdered by her fellow soldier after allegations of sexual harassment, has […]
The Dangers of Tik Tok’s Glorification of Unhealthy Eating Habits

TikTok’s popularity has skyrocketed in the past 6 months, as people all over the world are using the app to creatively express themselves and connect with others. However, there is a lot of content on the app that promotes unhealthy relationships with food that can trigger someone who has suffered or is suffering with an […]
The Culture of Terrorism
This isn’t an easy world to live in. With every additional headline emblazoned in the media, we feel an added weight upon our shoulders as a global community. New accounts of hate crimes, terrorist attacks, abuse and corruption have become the daily norm. It shouldn’t be that way, but it is. Most notably, we see […]
The toxicity of “colorblindness”
“Eman, beti. Come here.” My nani (grandmother) is standing over her gas stove, stirring gently with a wooden spoon. The house smells of masala. Her desi accent is as thick as the spice-infused curry that she is making for the evening’s supper. “Watch me make this beef dish,” she says in Urdu. […]
The “Unknown” Beauty of Pakistan
From the Shalimar Gardens in Lahore to Clifton Beach in Karachi to Hunza Valley in Gilgit-Baltistan to Lake Saif-ul-Muluk in the Kaghan Valley, Pakistan is one of the world’s most picturesque places to visit. With these natural sites spread all over the country, these sites are to be witnessed, as they represent the artistic paintings […]