How Are Transgender People Suffering Dreadfully Due To Violence?

Transgender people should be protected by the justice system instead of being seen as a threat. The crimes against transgender people need to be recognized more and there needs to be helpful assistance to help stop the ongoing violence. Each Month Covers A Death Multiple transgender people have been killed each month in a year […]
SCOTUS Ruling For Protection Of LGBTQ+ Americans Is Only A Step

INTRODUCTION On Monday, June 16, 2020, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that discrimination in the workplace against individuals based on their sexual orientation or gender identity is unconstitutional. Six justices agreed that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 includes the ideas of sexual orientation and gender identity when it […]
Beaming With Pride

Costa Rica, in May 2020, became the first nation in Central America to legalize same-sex marriage. This comes as a rejuvenating whiff of progression for the 21st century audience. But the iota of development with respect to LGBTQ+ rights was welcomed at the cost of personality ridiculing and inhuman blood-shedding over the last century. Given […]