KKKall It What It Is – A Terrorist Organization

In the past month, the murder of George Floyd and subsequent Black Lives Matter protests have forced many Americans to take a critical look at the ways that racism is ingrained in our society. However, one group that has never shied away from expressing overtly racist beliefs is the Ku Klux Klan. The Klan’s purpose from […]
A Fearless Pakistan Means a Safer Pakistan
What Happened? Just shortly after Pakistan was devastated with yet another attack on school grounds, a suicide bombing took place near the outskirts of an army facility in Baluchistan province. The attack, claimed by Azam Tariq to be the work of Sipah-e-Sahaba, wounded a child, a civilian, and about three security force members. The intentions of the […]
The Culture of Terrorism
This isn’t an easy world to live in. With every additional headline emblazoned in the media, we feel an added weight upon our shoulders as a global community. New accounts of hate crimes, terrorist attacks, abuse and corruption have become the daily norm. It shouldn’t be that way, but it is. Most notably, we see […]
Has Peshawar Changed Pakistan’s Approach to Tackle Terrorism?
The Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan’s (TTP) terrorist attack on the Army Public School, Peshawar, on December 16, 2014, killing 132 children and several teachers, many from Army background, was traumatic; its intensity and cruelty shocking civil society in Pakistan, much in the same way as the public flogging of a woman by the Taliban in Swat did […]
The U.S. Drone Program: A Threat to Credibility

Importance of Drones As the war on terror drags on, drone strikes have become the centerpiece of U.S. counter-terrorism strategy. During the Bush administration, fewer than 50 drone operations were conducted. President Obama on the other hand has overseen more than 400 drone operations. Drone missions have been very successful and have proven to be […]