“Pro-Life”? Give Me a Break

Introduction Conservatives love to talk about being “pro-life.” By that, they mean that they are opposed to abortion (The partisan gap in views on this issue is wider than ever.) Republicans claim that abortion is murder. I strongly disagree with that view, but I respect their stance; people are free to disagree on controversial issues. […]
The Attack on Planned Parenthood

The 21st Century has witnessed strides in women’s and reproductive rights. One organization that caters to those is Planned Parenthood. Though the organization is a huge proponent in granting women control to their own body, many disagree with the organization’s actions. Though many protest the actions of Planned Parenthood, the services that the organization provides […]
The Impact of Trump’s “Gag Rule” is Anything but “Pro-Life”

The Facts Back in May, the Trump administration issued a proposal to the Department of Health and Human Services that would restrict the ability of health care professionals, working in institutions receiving federal dollars, from counseling women considering abortion procedures. The president’s actions come as no surprise given that restricting women’s access to safe, legal abortions […]