How Are Transgender People Suffering Dreadfully Due To Violence?

Transgender people should be protected by the justice system instead of being seen as a threat. The crimes against transgender people need to be recognized more and there needs to be helpful assistance to help stop the ongoing violence. Each Month Covers A Death Multiple transgender people have been killed each month in a year […]
Is The Ongoing Police Violence A Result of Improper Training Or By Intent?

Introduction All around the world, it is known that police are put in place to control crimes and protect citizens, but sometimes, they contribute to the demise of the very society they have been sent to protect. Such demise can be seen in the US in recent years; we have been seeing a lot of the […]
School Closings In Chicago Break Up Communities And Exacerbate Violence

End Of The Five Year Moratorium In 2013, more than 45 schools were closed in Chicago in an effort to reduce the $1 billion dollar deficit and the amount of depopulated schools. Many teachers were laid off and children from different communities had to travel further distances to attend school. As a result of the […]
Violence Within Us: Our Responsibility in the Aftermath of Peshawar
There. Yes there, where the guns blazed. Yes there, where hearts bled for the gentle touch of parents. Yes there, where once I shared my secrets in my best friend’s ear. Yes there, where I ran away with the favourite pencil of the class monitor. Yes there, where everyday my mother waited for me. Yes […]