#BlackLivesMatter: Intersectional Feminism in Action
The most beneficial type of feminism is intersectional, meaning it involves race, class, ethnicity, and a multitude of factors. This was coined in the late 20th century by Kimberlé Crenshaw in 1989. #BlackLivesMatter is a trending hashtag created by three queer, black women named Alice Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi. This is a perfect example […]
Vote: Is Obama’s Executive Order on Immigration an excessive use of executive power?
[poll id=”2″] [Image Attribute: Barack Obama cc]
Tweets from Inside Marysville School Shooting are Chilling
The News There has been a school shooting in Marysville, WA. It seems the shooting began around 10:45am and ambulances and police were reported to be on the scene. The suspected shooter has been reported to be dead and it seems no other fatalities have been reported so far, though some suspect there are two more. […]
Always #LikeAGirl: When Did “Like A Girl Become an Insult?
This video shows the progression of the meaning of “Like A Girl” as people get older.
You’re “Retarded?”: The Hurtful Rhetoric That Has Become Commonplace
Ignorance is a disease that people in today’s society adore spreading. Using derogatory terms to get a point across, to insult someone, or simply attempt to be funny shows the symptoms of this disease. One term that is overused is “retarded.” In school, it becomes a comeback when someone can’t comprehend a situation. “You’re retarded,” […]
No, Disabled People are Not Your Daily Dose of Inspiration
Stella Young tells us why everything we’ve been taught by society about disabled people is wrong! We particularly love her justification for calling it “inspiration porn.”
‘End The Awkward’: No, You Are Not Being Extra-Considerate
Scope is trying to end all the awkward interactions that are a result of ignorance through these great Youtube videos! They also provide a set of tips to help you. Our Favorite: See the person, not just their impairment. h/t to Vox
People With Down Syndrome CAN Lead a Happy Life
Watch these individuals with DS tell an expecting mother that it will all be great. This will make you tear up!
Student with Down Syndrome Detained for 9 Hours for Retrieving Cap From School
The Story Abdul Al-Faisal was arrested for returning to his school on Monday (a bank holiday) to get his favorite baseball cap on alleged burglary. He was apparently handcuffed and held in a cell. They also took his DNA and other information and released with a caution for burglary, which will remain on his criminal […]
Live Blog: Minimum Wage Developments
As the entire nation is being swept up in a storm over the national minimum wage, certain states and other jurisdictions are taking their own steps to combat income inequality and poverty. [Image Attribute: Denis Bocquet via Compfight cc]