McGlockton Incident Highlights Why African-Americans Distrust Police
Markeis McGlockton Incident On July 19, 2018 in Clearwater, Florida, Markeis McGlockton, an African-American man, was at a convenience store with his five-year-old son when
Markeis McGlockton Incident On July 19, 2018 in Clearwater, Florida, Markeis McGlockton, an African-American man, was at a convenience store with his five-year-old son when
Lately people like #PermitPatty and #BBQBecky have been making headlines for calling the police on black people doing normal, everyday things. Knowing the history of People Of
Introduction As Harvard is a well-known, prestigious university, it receives many applicants each year. With each college, certain factors are considered by the admissions process
In early July, President Trump announced his nomination of Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United States. Judge Kavanaugh has served in the
According to the Bill of Rights, every American citizen is given the right to a fair and speedy trial. But what happens when the country
Introduction It is the general consensus that the military and the police force are two separate entities, one fights wars and one busted your cousin
Recently a video of Erica Campbell’s daughter speaking about the hardships she has faced as a dark-skinned black girl went viral on Twitter. Many voiced their support
Nowadays, it seems that police brutality has integrated into society. All over the news, reports of police misconduct and viral videos of brute force targeted
Trump’s Agenda The Trump administration is moving backwards to emulate former Bush-era policies regarding education and race. Trump rescinding Obama-era policies on diversity among colleges
If Syracuse is famous for one thing, it’s being one of the most segregated cities in America, suffering from “hyper-segregation” that has made it one