The Supreme Court Battle Against Kavanaugh

In early July, President Trump announced his nomination of Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United States. Judge Kavanaugh has served in the Bush White House and on the DC Circuit Court of Appeals. As a registered Republican and social conservative, Kavanaugh would narrowly interpret the Constitution and thus negatively impact the highest […]
The Lack Of Comprehensive Sex Education And The Misguided Fight Against It

Introduction Recently, the debate about sex education has grown into a heated one with comprehensive sex education and LGBTQ inclusion at the forefront. Some conservative politicians have advocated for continued use of abstinence only programs despite the evidence that these programs have been ineffective at reducing sexual interactions and consequences between teens and children. Opponents […]
Rediscovering India’s Relationship With Homosexuality

Homosexuality is Not a Western Concept In the December of 2013, when the Supreme Court of India had overturned the 2009 New Delhi High Court and re-criminalized intercourse between two same-sex individuals, the BJP had come out in support with a spokesman unabashedly stating, “we can’t bring western culture into our society and culture.” Continuing its […]
A Call For Permanent Gender-Neutral Bathrooms In The Public

Problems LGBTQ+ People Face Everyday, we carry on in our lives with our necessities met. Most of the time, we take this for granted as we never have to face danger in the process. For example, when people use the restroom, most go to their default gender, which was assigned at birth. Using the washroom […]
Putting A Round Peg In A Square Hole: The U.S Should Ban Conversion Therapy

Putting a round peg in a square hole, as the title states, is a very difficult thing to do. Almost no one can, without using brute force, manage to stick something round into something square, let alone make it cover the entire hole. The two shapes are simply too different. One has four corners and […]
Federal Court Ruling Supports Transgender Students At Boyertown High School

Introduction Transgender rights are more commonplace than ever, yet situations still arise that bring to question just how aware and accepting society is of the trans community. A recent Philadelphia federal court ruling rejected an attempt to bar transgender individuals from using restrooms and locker rooms at the Boyertown Area Senior High School in Pennsylvania. […]
Pride Over Prejudice: The End of LGBTQ Oppression in the World Cup

Pride Month and the World Cup Pride Month is a time of celebration and love for the LGBTQ community in the United States. It is recognized as an opportunity to embrace diversity under the summer sun, similar to how the FIFA World Cup is perceived around the world, and at first glance, it seems fitting […]
LGBT+ Rights in Russia after Sochi: Better or Worse?

At the close of the Sochi Olympics this winter, international media lauded Russia’s success in running such a huge sporting event. Throughout the closing ceremonies, wonder at Russian culture, athleticism, and power shone in every spectator’s eyes. Some went so far as to suggest that this year’s Olympics might have implications for oppressed minorities in Russia. […]