Two Recent Shootings Further Emphasize America’s Need for Stricter Gun Laws

The recent Dayton and El Paso shootings and the resulting 31 total deaths call attention to the immediate need for harsher gun policies throughout the United States. However, with Trump having little to say about the recent tragedies, it is up to the public to make a change for the future. The Shootings Over the past […]
Walmart is Pressured to Stop the Sale of Firearms

Introduction Recently, two tragic shootings took place in two Walmarts in America. One of the shootings was in El Paso, Texas, where 24 people were injured, and of them, 22 were killed. The other shooting took place in Mississippi by a disgruntled employee. Two Walmart employees were killed, and a cop was wounded. As a result of Walmart’s inaction […]
Mass Shooting After Mass Shooting: Why Isn’t The Country Doing Anything?

On Saturday, August 3, a massacre occurred. Patrick Crusius, a 21-year-old white supremacist, was suspected of shooting down a Walmart in El Paso, Texas with an AK-47-style assault rifle, killing 22 people and injuring 24 others. Crusius wanted to stop a “Hispanic invasion of Texas” according to a manifesto police believe he wrote. The manifesto […]
How Mass Shootings Have Become Considered Normal In America

It seems that almost every day it is on the news that there is another mass shooting. With that comes the outpouring of thoughts and prayers from all over the world. Then just a short time later, these devastating incidents are forgotten, and people forget about all the lives that were taken. But with these […]
Children In Possession Of Guns: Not A Good Idea

Introduction The husband of Jamie Lynn recently shared a picture of his daughter, Maddie, who is of 10 years of age, holding a hunting rifle in response to Louisiana’s dove hunting season. This post sparked controversy, as fans were quick to either voice their support or criticism of the parents’ decision to have their daughter […]
Smart Guns: A Smart Edition to the Debate About Gun Control

Though little understood and talked about in the context of the larger gun control debate, smart guns are an effective tool that should become part of the national conversation. Smart guns offer the possibility of lowering some of America’s most troubling gun death statistics while still allowing for the freedom to own guns. Though they […]
Everyone is Pro Gun Control, Even People Who Aren’t

The Right-wing media and Republican party talk like the Democratic party is trying to perpetrate a genocide on your guns. Yes, I am aware that is an overly dramatic, emotionally charged and hyperbolic statement. But I think that’s kind of the goal of the NRA – to get a certain segment of the population riled up […]